First Item: The only welfare program that I fully endorse is the WIC (Women, Infant and Children) program. It ensure health and nutrition for women and children from the time a woman gets pregnant until the child is five years old.
If my tax dollars have to go somewhere, why not the helpless and innocent?
Even as a single father, they covered my children and I would have been lost without them.
562 million dollars is being rescinded from the program to pay off fraudulent claims of racist discrimination by the USDA to black farmers. Nice going scammers.
562 million dollars is being rescinded from the program to pay off fraudulent claims of racist discrimination by the USDA to black farmers. Nice going scammers.
Second Item: The Service Employees International Union is a group I definitely DON'T approve of, but they are there and they are big. Nothing to do but lump it.
They have decided to cut health insurance for 6,000 dependent children because of cost increases related to the new national health care program.
After all their bullying, they are sacrificing their peoples' children. Good job bullies.
Who knew that unicorns hated children. Really, I have been trying to stay at least neutral about this new White House administration, but they make it so damn hard.
Now I see a new sign at the White House. The sign reads "For a Brave New World Full of Goodness for You, Abandon Your Children Here..."
I know, Obama, I know. It's Bush's fault. It's always Bush's fault.
It is somewhat amusing to me to consider that the SEIU were the ones hiring thugs to counter-protest the Tea Party movement. They lobbied in favor of this new healthcare bill, and probably paid off a lot of people in the back room to help move it through quickly.
"Bullying" doesn't seem to cover the hypocrisy of them revoking health care benefits because their pet project got too pricey for them.
Another thing that chaps my ass is hearing left-wing liberal news programs talk about how evil Bush and the Republicans are for the tax cuts ending and not being renewed. OF COURSE I would expect my representatives to vote down a bill full of pork-barrel spending, no matter how nice the tax breaks would've been. It's a responsibility of voting I have come to expect from many of the "evil" people who actually consider their actions before voting through a bunch of special interest projects.
(e.g. opening up a closed case so they can throw wide the coffers for such an awesome program as WIC to pay off a bunch of hopped up weasels who think they are ENTITLED TO MONEY THEY NEVER EARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
As a side note, the "hopped-up weasels" that I am referring to, are the people who were not in any way associated with the actual farming loan "crisis."
From 83-97 there were 39,697 black farmers in the USA. There were 22,505 claims during that time period~ a high number, no doubt but within the range of "believable." (Only 60% of those were approved.)
After the period was closed there were an additional 70,000 claims submitted!
That sounds like around 92,000 claims to me which is almost three times as many people as there should have been reporting the "racism" in the first place!!
The payoff agreement was in 1999.
In 2008 Obama rallied to have this reopened, almost a decade later, so these other 70,000 cases could be heard!!! INSANE! Not only heard, but PAID 50,000 EACH!!!!
Maybe my rage isn't over yet.
To clarify, this is not a reopened court case. Eric Holder made a deal without it going through the courts and Congress approved it. Fin.
The FBI estimates that 50-95% of the claims are fraudulent.
To date, there have been 94,000 individuals who claim to have been discriminated against and according to the Nation Black Farmers Associating there should have been 18,000 farmers in America for the time frame it applies to.
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