Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Shame on me

I don't really feel sorry for myself. I don't have any regrets and for the most part I am pretty happy about most things. But I do let my disability excuse me from doing a lot. My knees, ankles and feet are all pretty messed up and I can't get around well and I'm usually in a decent amount of pain.

I feel ashamed of myself when I meet or hear of someone who has it worse than I do. As vets know, the VA is not what we would wish it to be. Government support of disabled vets could be better. I haven't seen a doctor or gotten medication in over a year now. On the one hand, who knows how much better shape I would be in if I was able to afford a doctor and medication. On the other hand, it goes to show that I can survive without. So why do I keep sitting on my butt? I guess I just need to see that it could be worse to know I'm not in as bad a condition as I could be.

As far as my writing...I am going to keep shoving the old stuff down your throat till I am out, then I will write something new for you.

This one was written while maintaining a long distance relationship

Written on 17 June 2003

Your Kiss

Where is your kiss?
I feel phantom lips
graze my cheeks like butterfly wings

I reach for you
and I can feel you
your skin singing to my fingertips

Your warm breath
caresses my neck
as my head rests on my folded hands

your soft voice
whispers in my ear
telling me your love is near

your divine embrace
bringing it all together
is two thousand eight hundred miles away

My head was literally resting on my hands as this came to me. I didn't even feel like writing it down. My girlfriend at the time was not overly interested in my poetry. I didn't write it for her, but to share my feelings with my friends in the only way I could adequate express them.

It is like that quote from Vladimir Nabokov (not exact quote as I couldn't find it with a quick search)
I think like a genius
I write like a distinguished man of letters
I talk like an idiot.

If anyone finds his real quote, please post it and I will fix my blog.


Sandra said...

Hey Kelly :)

That was an awesome poem, man you're so good at these, I only wish I could write poetry but I think all my skills went to the kitchen LOL

Hope you're doing good and not in a lot of pain.


Mike Golch said...

Hey Kelly,you are a great writer,and as far as the exact quote,as long as you have the gist of it thant's fine by me.
as far as our own governmet and the treatment of us Vets it is shameful to say the least I have other more colorful words to describe it,but as a fellow USAF you probly know the ones I mean.

Mike Golch said...

Kelly,we all have our own painful things about us some of us have physical and visible wounds and there are some who's wounds are invisible,I'm refering to the "walking wounded".They are one ones that the VA and the military have shafted a lot.they say that the sufferer has a personality disorder,there by denying tho vets any benifits at all.this has been done for a long time and probly will continue as long as there Vets that suffer the mental wounds such as PTSD.Or those that could not adjust to military life as they were dictated by supervisory personell and got screwed up in the process.