Sunday, February 24, 2008


I was way too sick yesterday to even think about the computer, so no blog entry.  I hope you all arent to disappointed.

I have decided to make it up to you all with a nice poem about how I feel when my kids are gone visiting my ex wife.  Fortunately, she hasn't felt like seeing them for four years, so I don't have to go through this too much.

Written 20 June 2003

You're Gone And I Miss You

I run my hands through the sand
warm and gritty, I like how it feels.
Raising it up, the grains fall like rain
to reveal your favorite Hotwheels.

Your gone and I miss you.

I finally did some laundry today
It was piling up and long overdue
I found Power Ranger underwear
and some of your missing socks too.

Your gone and I miss you.

Your favorite show came on.
Watching it was our evening fun.
We fought and you chose Pikachu
And I always choose Charmeleon.

Your gone and I miss you.

Dr Suess and dinosaur books
are the ones that I had read.
Does anyone read to you now
when you lay down in bed?

Your gone and I miss you

When I stop to think about us,
the life we have and things we do,
I know that when you are gone
that you must miss me too.

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Jillina said...

:( :(:(

we dont have to worry about that now, thankfully.

what a touching poem--it really is the little things you miss the most, isn't it?

Mike Golch said...

Glad that you are feling better,at least enough to post something.
Your poetry is fantanstic as usual.
Like you I have an ex,unlike you I never had kids with nor do I have the pleasure of children now,that's my loss. What I do have I'm greatful for my beutiful lady of 28 years.(we met sept '79 and married march 1980)

Sandra said...

Kelly, hope you're feeling better today....this poem was so sweet and so sad at the same time.

I'm glad you guys don't have to worry about that right now :)
